

Other joke links

Links to other Joke sites

Warning: These links are not on my site. They do not necessarily abide by the same standards as I do and contain all manner of jokes. I take no responsibility for what's on other people's sites. Be warned that some of the jokes can be very crude. If you don't like that sort of thing - don't click the link, and don't complain to me :-)

Good Clean Fun - http://www.slonet.org/~tellswor/

Jokes galore - http://www.jokesgalore.com will also mail you jokes daily.

Jokeathon -http://www.jokeathon.com another site where you can get jokes mailed every weekday

Excite - Excite

Trumpet jokes - The trumpet connection - and other musical stuff

Readers Digest - http://www.rd.com/common/nav/index.jhtml

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This document maintained by holyjoke@freeuk.com.
New Material Copyright © 2000 Brian Nichols